Depending on your timing, you can romance more than one character. But if you don't do it right then someone will comfront you and force you to make a chioce.It is relatively easily possible to sleep around with all 3 romance-able characters per Warden gender in a single play, but you can only be in love with one (or none). 3DS Friend Code: 0318-7403-4577 | IGN: T.C.Yes, just start a new game, a separate character file will be created automatically. In the load menu there will be an option to switch characters. Yes, just start a new game, a separate character file will be created automatically. In the load menu there will be an option to switch characters.
Who is the best to romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition : An elven apostate mage, Solas is interesting just by those descriptors alone and is one of the most popular romance choices among players. He can only be romanced by female elven characters, making him one of the most specific romance options in the game.
Can I romance Josephine and Cassandra
No you can only romance one character at a time, while you can break things off you can't start another full relationship to see the "scenes" if you started one with another.
Can you romance Fenris if you sleep with Isabela : No, you can sleep with others before Fenris, but it's a bit tricky and the relationship has to be over before doing his Act II quests. You can't leave the city areas during that time or you will trigger 'Bitter Pill'.
Start with Morrigan, sleep with her, do NOT complete her personal quest yet. After successfully bedding with Morrigan, begin working on Leliana. Complete Leliana's PQ, talk with her some more until you get the jealousy speech (which ever comes first here, I believe). Pick Leliana over Morrigan. Morrigan. Morrigan can only be romanced by a male Warden. It is important to remember that Morrigan is very set in her ways. If pursuing a romance with her, it is advised that you agree with her philosophy of "survival of the fittest".
Can you romance same gender in Dragon Age: Inquisition
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Inquisitors of any gender and race can pursue a romance. Unlike in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, where it was only possible to romance the companions, Inquisition's romantic interests can be companions as well as non-companions, namely advisors.You can flirt with multiple people, but ultimately you can only be in one relationship.He serves as a protagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition, before being revealed as the true villain of the DLC Tresspasser and as Fen'Harel, thus making him the overarching antagonist of the first 2 games, as he is responsible for the plights of the modern elves. Dragon Age Inquisition is no different and has plenty of characters to choose from in terms of romantic partners. One of these romance options is Josephine Montilyet of Antiva. She's available as a love interest whether you play as a female or male character and your race has no impact on the relationship either.
Can I marry Josephine : The player can now choose between declaring their love for Josephine, or allowing Lord Otranto to marry her. If you opt to continue the romance, Josephine kisses the Inquisitor.
Will Fenris leave if you side with the mages : Fenris threatens to leave if you side with the mages, and if he does, Aveline will stay. However, if you side with the Templars, Anders will not rejoin the party after. The other major difference in pledging yourself to the Templars is that you will have a powerful Orsino to answer to later on.
Can you romance both Leliana and Alistair
Thus, you can have both Alistair and Leliana with you in the end. You can also have Zevran if his approval is around 50 (both Leliana and Alistair need to be hardened before attempting this). Note: There is a way to get both Alistair and Leliana to love you without having to not talk to Alistair. Yes you have to romance Morrigan or have Alistair or Loghain do the DR. You can refuse to do the DR but if you did a romance she will apparently have a human child.Romantic interests
Male Warden only
Female Warden only
A Witch of the Wilds and daughter of Flemeth.
A Grey Warden and former templar.
Male and female Wardens
Zevran Arainai
Have a normal baby with Morrigan : If you romance her and decide against the dark ritual (I think with a child already being conceived from your romance, she can't perform the ritual, but I might be wrong), then the child will be a normal human child.
Antwort Can you romance multiple people Dragon Age? Weitere Antworten – Can you romance more than one person in Dragon Age
Depending on your timing, you can romance more than one character. But if you don't do it right then someone will comfront you and force you to make a chioce.It is relatively easily possible to sleep around with all 3 romance-able characters per Warden gender in a single play, but you can only be in love with one (or none). 3DS Friend Code: 0318-7403-4577 | IGN: T.C.Yes, just start a new game, a separate character file will be created automatically. In the load menu there will be an option to switch characters. Yes, just start a new game, a separate character file will be created automatically. In the load menu there will be an option to switch characters.
Who is the best to romance in Dragon Age: Inquisition : An elven apostate mage, Solas is interesting just by those descriptors alone and is one of the most popular romance choices among players. He can only be romanced by female elven characters, making him one of the most specific romance options in the game.
Can I romance Josephine and Cassandra
No you can only romance one character at a time, while you can break things off you can't start another full relationship to see the "scenes" if you started one with another.
Can you romance Fenris if you sleep with Isabela : No, you can sleep with others before Fenris, but it's a bit tricky and the relationship has to be over before doing his Act II quests. You can't leave the city areas during that time or you will trigger 'Bitter Pill'.
Start with Morrigan, sleep with her, do NOT complete her personal quest yet. After successfully bedding with Morrigan, begin working on Leliana. Complete Leliana's PQ, talk with her some more until you get the jealousy speech (which ever comes first here, I believe). Pick Leliana over Morrigan.

Morrigan. Morrigan can only be romanced by a male Warden. It is important to remember that Morrigan is very set in her ways. If pursuing a romance with her, it is advised that you agree with her philosophy of "survival of the fittest".
Can you romance same gender in Dragon Age: Inquisition
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, the Inquisitors of any gender and race can pursue a romance. Unlike in Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, where it was only possible to romance the companions, Inquisition's romantic interests can be companions as well as non-companions, namely advisors.You can flirt with multiple people, but ultimately you can only be in one relationship.He serves as a protagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition, before being revealed as the true villain of the DLC Tresspasser and as Fen'Harel, thus making him the overarching antagonist of the first 2 games, as he is responsible for the plights of the modern elves.

Dragon Age Inquisition is no different and has plenty of characters to choose from in terms of romantic partners. One of these romance options is Josephine Montilyet of Antiva. She's available as a love interest whether you play as a female or male character and your race has no impact on the relationship either.
Can I marry Josephine : The player can now choose between declaring their love for Josephine, or allowing Lord Otranto to marry her. If you opt to continue the romance, Josephine kisses the Inquisitor.
Will Fenris leave if you side with the mages : Fenris threatens to leave if you side with the mages, and if he does, Aveline will stay. However, if you side with the Templars, Anders will not rejoin the party after. The other major difference in pledging yourself to the Templars is that you will have a powerful Orsino to answer to later on.
Can you romance both Leliana and Alistair
Thus, you can have both Alistair and Leliana with you in the end. You can also have Zevran if his approval is around 50 (both Leliana and Alistair need to be hardened before attempting this). Note: There is a way to get both Alistair and Leliana to love you without having to not talk to Alistair.

Yes you have to romance Morrigan or have Alistair or Loghain do the DR. You can refuse to do the DR but if you did a romance she will apparently have a human child.Romantic interests
Have a normal baby with Morrigan : If you romance her and decide against the dark ritual (I think with a child already being conceived from your romance, she can't perform the ritual, but I might be wrong), then the child will be a normal human child.