Music streaming service Spotify has confirmed that its recent subscription price increases will affect Czechia starting in September, CzechCrunch reports. Czech users will see an increase in the cost of their Spotify Premium subscription and a shift in the payment currency from euros to crowns.Age and eligibility requirements
BY USING THE SPOTIFY SERVICE, YOU AFFIRM THAT YOU ARE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO ENTER INTO THESE TERMS, OR, IF YOU ARE NOT, THAT YOU ARE 13 YEARS OR OLDER AND HAVE OBTAINED PARENTAL OR GUARDIAN CONSENT TO ENTER INTO THESE TERMS.If you manage a Premium Family plan, you can allow or block anything with an explicit tag for other members of the plan. Log in to your Premium Family page. Click on the member you'd like to allow or block content for. Switch Remove explicit content on or off .
Are there age restrictions on Spotify : We have designed Spotify to be appropriate for listeners 13+ years of age, although the minimum age for using the service varies according to local law. You can find the mini- mum age for your market in our sign up flow.
Does Spotify have country restrictions
You can use Spotify in a different country or region for up to 14 days. To use it for longer than 14 days, change your account settings: Log in to your account page. Click EDIT PROFILE.
How much is Spotify in Czech Republic : Czech Republic – Spotify premium costs around $8.32/month, which is equal to ~188 Czech koruna. Slovakia – Spotify premium costs around $8.32/month, which is equal to €6.99 per month. Cyprus – Spotify Premium costs about $8.27/month, or €6.99/month. Estonia – Spotify Premium costs about $8.27/month, or €6.99/month.
Am I eligible for this plan If you are a student enrolled at an accredited college or university, and above the age of 18, then yes. You can get Premium Student for up to 4 years. If you have a Spotify Premium account, you may quickly enable or disable access to explicit content by toggling the appropriate switch here. If you don't, then choose Explicit Content. You may disable Spotify's explicit content feature by toggling the Allow explicit content off option.
How do I turn off 18+ on Spotify
Tap Settings . Tap Explicit Content. Switch Allow Explicit Content off (gray).The Spotify Kids app is only available on mobile devices—you'll need an iOS or Android device to be able to listen to it. You'll also need to create a Spotify Kids account, linked to your Premium Family subscription.The first time you log in, you'll set a PIN so only you can control the settings. You're then prompted to create a Kids account. To create more Kids accounts, see “Manage Kids account settings”. Each Kids account takes up 1 slot in the family plan (out of a maximum of 6). To bypass Spotify's VPN detection, we recommend taking the following steps: Switch servers. Try different VPN servers located in regions with a history of successful Spotify access. Choose a reliable VPN.
Can I use my Spotify Premium in another country : Got Premium You can travel anywhere without having to change your account settings.
What country is Spotify cheapest in : Spotify Premium is generally cheaper in Asia, Africa, and South America. The price is cheapest in India, where a monthly subscription costs 119 rupees—the equivalent of $1.58. Conversely, the price is most expensive in Denmark, where a subscription costs the equivalent of $14.39.
How much is 1,000 plays on Spotify
Spotify pays roughly $0.04 per 10 streams, which means you'd need 1,000 streams to generate $4 in revenue. Am I eligible for this plan If you are a student enrolled at a US Title IV accredited college or university, and above the age of 18, then yes. How do you know I'm a student We verify your enrollment status through a third-party service called SheerID.We reserve the right to determine if you are a Qualifying Student based on the information provided by our Student Status Verifier. Spotify will collect, store and process your name, educational institution name, email address and date of birth in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Does Spotify allow NSFW audio : Sensitive Content. We have tons of amazing content on Spotify, but there are certain things that we don't allow on our platform. Don't post excessively violent or graphic content, and don't post sexually explicit content.
Antwort Does Spotify have restrictions? Weitere Antworten – Is Spotify available in the Czech Republic
Music streaming service Spotify has confirmed that its recent subscription price increases will affect Czechia starting in September, CzechCrunch reports. Czech users will see an increase in the cost of their Spotify Premium subscription and a shift in the payment currency from euros to crowns.Age and eligibility requirements
BY USING THE SPOTIFY SERVICE, YOU AFFIRM THAT YOU ARE 18 YEARS OR OLDER TO ENTER INTO THESE TERMS, OR, IF YOU ARE NOT, THAT YOU ARE 13 YEARS OR OLDER AND HAVE OBTAINED PARENTAL OR GUARDIAN CONSENT TO ENTER INTO THESE TERMS.If you manage a Premium Family plan, you can allow or block anything with an explicit tag for other members of the plan. Log in to your Premium Family page. Click on the member you'd like to allow or block content for. Switch Remove explicit content on or off .

Are there age restrictions on Spotify : We have designed Spotify to be appropriate for listeners 13+ years of age, although the minimum age for using the service varies according to local law. You can find the mini- mum age for your market in our sign up flow.
Does Spotify have country restrictions
You can use Spotify in a different country or region for up to 14 days. To use it for longer than 14 days, change your account settings: Log in to your account page. Click EDIT PROFILE.
How much is Spotify in Czech Republic : Czech Republic – Spotify premium costs around $8.32/month, which is equal to ~188 Czech koruna. Slovakia – Spotify premium costs around $8.32/month, which is equal to €6.99 per month. Cyprus – Spotify Premium costs about $8.27/month, or €6.99/month. Estonia – Spotify Premium costs about $8.27/month, or €6.99/month.
Am I eligible for this plan If you are a student enrolled at an accredited college or university, and above the age of 18, then yes. You can get Premium Student for up to 4 years.

If you have a Spotify Premium account, you may quickly enable or disable access to explicit content by toggling the appropriate switch here. If you don't, then choose Explicit Content. You may disable Spotify's explicit content feature by toggling the Allow explicit content off option.
How do I turn off 18+ on Spotify
Tap Settings . Tap Explicit Content. Switch Allow Explicit Content off (gray).The Spotify Kids app is only available on mobile devices—you'll need an iOS or Android device to be able to listen to it. You'll also need to create a Spotify Kids account, linked to your Premium Family subscription.The first time you log in, you'll set a PIN so only you can control the settings. You're then prompted to create a Kids account. To create more Kids accounts, see “Manage Kids account settings”. Each Kids account takes up 1 slot in the family plan (out of a maximum of 6).

To bypass Spotify's VPN detection, we recommend taking the following steps: Switch servers. Try different VPN servers located in regions with a history of successful Spotify access. Choose a reliable VPN.
Can I use my Spotify Premium in another country : Got Premium You can travel anywhere without having to change your account settings.
What country is Spotify cheapest in : Spotify Premium is generally cheaper in Asia, Africa, and South America. The price is cheapest in India, where a monthly subscription costs 119 rupees—the equivalent of $1.58. Conversely, the price is most expensive in Denmark, where a subscription costs the equivalent of $14.39.
How much is 1,000 plays on Spotify
Spotify pays roughly $0.04 per 10 streams, which means you'd need 1,000 streams to generate $4 in revenue.

Am I eligible for this plan If you are a student enrolled at a US Title IV accredited college or university, and above the age of 18, then yes. How do you know I'm a student We verify your enrollment status through a third-party service called SheerID.We reserve the right to determine if you are a Qualifying Student based on the information provided by our Student Status Verifier. Spotify will collect, store and process your name, educational institution name, email address and date of birth in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
Does Spotify allow NSFW audio : Sensitive Content. We have tons of amazing content on Spotify, but there are certain things that we don't allow on our platform. Don't post excessively violent or graphic content, and don't post sexually explicit content.