Your little one will sleep through the night eventually, regardless of whether or not sleep training has taken place. Many babies start sleeping for longer stretches at night around 8 or 9 months, and you can certainly help support this milestone with a few strategies.Does sleep training work The research on sleep training in the first six months of life is contradictory. One review suggested it can work for most young children (Mindell et al, 2006) but a more recent review found that sleep training does not improve outcomes for mums or babies (Douglas and Hill, 2013).One of the issues with these methods is that they are just looking at the behaviour that is presenting itself, which in this case is night-wakings and signaling (crying), and addressing it with behaviour modification methods, but not addressing the root cause of the wakings.
Is it ever too late to sleep train a baby : Yes, you can sleep train your toddler. Whether your toddler is 12-24 months or 2-4 years old, it's never too late to have a great little sleeper.
What to do if not sleep training
How to Sleep Train Without Sleep Training
The right sleep environment.
The right schedule.
The right routine.
Are they drowsy or asleep when you put them down
Consider developmental norms for sleep!
Shift your focus to your sleep habits so that you don't obsess over your child's.
Are sleep trained babies happier : Your baby figures out their preferred position for sleep, and how to get there on their own. As a result, the baby starts sleeping longer periods of time, and getting more sleep overall. Their confidence in their ability to sleep, and when to do so builds, and they are happy and content in their sleep environment.
4.5-5.5 Months
4.5-5.5 Months. Most experts recommend sleep training around this time, when babies can make it 6 to 8 hours without feeding overnight. But keep in mind that your little one is learning that crying gets a response from you—so expect plenty of waterworks when you leave the room! Babies express their needs through crying. Letting babies "cry it out" is a form of need-neglect that leads to many long-term effects. The "cry it out" method releases stress hormones, impairs self-regulation, and undermines trust.
What is the hardest age to sleep train
The most challenging age for shaping sleep habits is typically between 18 months and 2.5 years. During this period, children transition from babies to toddlers and exhibit increased stamina and big emotions. They can be really attached to their existing routines making change more difficult for them.As you can see, it's never too late to consider sleep training for your child, regardless of their age. Sleep training can help establish healthy sleep habits, improve sleep quality, and bring much-needed rest to both children and parents.If you pick the wrong time to start, you are doomed to failure. You really want to allow yourself about two weeks of time without any major changes in routine to maximize your chance of success. Some examples of when NOT to sleep train: Before age 4–6 months of age. Try gentle sleep training techniques, if desired.
If your baby is nursing more than once or twice a night (ages 6-8 months) or still night-nursing after 9 months and you've tried the above 3 steps, then some very gentle sleep training may be an option for your family.
What age is sleep training most effective : 4 to 6 months old
Experts recommend beginning sleep training when babies are 4 to 6 months old. This age range is the sweet spot, since babies are old enough to physically make it for six to eight hours overnight without needing to eat but aren't quite at the point where the comforting you provide has become a sleep association.
Is 7 months too late to sleep train : By 7 months, your baby is developmentally ready to learn how to self-soothe and put himself to sleep, and most pediatricians will give the go-ahead to try sleep training if you haven't already.
What happens if you don’t sleep train
Babies will eventually learn to sleep on their own. However, sleep training is effective and offers significant benefits to both babies and parents, with no evidence of negative long-term effects. When infants can't sleep well, it's distressing to both the baby and the parents. Children may develop pediatric insomnia. Some people believe that babies cannot or should not have to self-soothe, while others believe it to be vital for their well-being. However, there is no conclusive evidence that babies who can self-soothe are more healthy than those who cannot yet self-soothe.The ideal window to sleep train your baby is between 12 weeks to 5 months old.
Is 8 months too late for sleep training : At eight months old, you may decide sleep training is the best option if your baby isn't sleeping through the night. It's never too late to help your baby get better sleep!
Antwort Is it OK not to sleep train a baby? Weitere Antworten – Can babies sleep without sleep training
Your little one will sleep through the night eventually, regardless of whether or not sleep training has taken place. Many babies start sleeping for longer stretches at night around 8 or 9 months, and you can certainly help support this milestone with a few strategies.Does sleep training work The research on sleep training in the first six months of life is contradictory. One review suggested it can work for most young children (Mindell et al, 2006) but a more recent review found that sleep training does not improve outcomes for mums or babies (Douglas and Hill, 2013).One of the issues with these methods is that they are just looking at the behaviour that is presenting itself, which in this case is night-wakings and signaling (crying), and addressing it with behaviour modification methods, but not addressing the root cause of the wakings.
Is it ever too late to sleep train a baby : Yes, you can sleep train your toddler. Whether your toddler is 12-24 months or 2-4 years old, it's never too late to have a great little sleeper.
What to do if not sleep training
How to Sleep Train Without Sleep Training
Are sleep trained babies happier : Your baby figures out their preferred position for sleep, and how to get there on their own. As a result, the baby starts sleeping longer periods of time, and getting more sleep overall. Their confidence in their ability to sleep, and when to do so builds, and they are happy and content in their sleep environment.
4.5-5.5 Months
4.5-5.5 Months. Most experts recommend sleep training around this time, when babies can make it 6 to 8 hours without feeding overnight. But keep in mind that your little one is learning that crying gets a response from you—so expect plenty of waterworks when you leave the room!

Babies express their needs through crying. Letting babies "cry it out" is a form of need-neglect that leads to many long-term effects. The "cry it out" method releases stress hormones, impairs self-regulation, and undermines trust.
What is the hardest age to sleep train
The most challenging age for shaping sleep habits is typically between 18 months and 2.5 years. During this period, children transition from babies to toddlers and exhibit increased stamina and big emotions. They can be really attached to their existing routines making change more difficult for them.As you can see, it's never too late to consider sleep training for your child, regardless of their age. Sleep training can help establish healthy sleep habits, improve sleep quality, and bring much-needed rest to both children and parents.If you pick the wrong time to start, you are doomed to failure. You really want to allow yourself about two weeks of time without any major changes in routine to maximize your chance of success. Some examples of when NOT to sleep train: Before age 4–6 months of age.

Try gentle sleep training techniques, if desired.
If your baby is nursing more than once or twice a night (ages 6-8 months) or still night-nursing after 9 months and you've tried the above 3 steps, then some very gentle sleep training may be an option for your family.
What age is sleep training most effective : 4 to 6 months old
Experts recommend beginning sleep training when babies are 4 to 6 months old. This age range is the sweet spot, since babies are old enough to physically make it for six to eight hours overnight without needing to eat but aren't quite at the point where the comforting you provide has become a sleep association.
Is 7 months too late to sleep train : By 7 months, your baby is developmentally ready to learn how to self-soothe and put himself to sleep, and most pediatricians will give the go-ahead to try sleep training if you haven't already.
What happens if you don’t sleep train
Babies will eventually learn to sleep on their own. However, sleep training is effective and offers significant benefits to both babies and parents, with no evidence of negative long-term effects. When infants can't sleep well, it's distressing to both the baby and the parents. Children may develop pediatric insomnia.

Some people believe that babies cannot or should not have to self-soothe, while others believe it to be vital for their well-being. However, there is no conclusive evidence that babies who can self-soothe are more healthy than those who cannot yet self-soothe.The ideal window to sleep train your baby is between 12 weeks to 5 months old.
Is 8 months too late for sleep training : At eight months old, you may decide sleep training is the best option if your baby isn't sleeping through the night. It's never too late to help your baby get better sleep!