Trying to romance both Yennefer and Triss simultaneously is not advisable and will end badly for Geralt. Choosing to romance Triss in The Witcher 3 offers a sweeter and smoother relationship compared to Yennefer, but Triss has less screen time, fewer romance scenes, and a shorter quest line.Yennefer of Vengerberg
Yennefer of Vengerberg is decisively Geralt's true love, both in The Witcher 3, and in the series as a whole.So, he wrote another short story that's supposed to be set in a different timeline where Geralt & Yennefer settled down peacefully and got married in the end. Essentially, they were given the typical "happily-ever-after" ending.
Does Yennefer really love Geralt : The djinn granted his last wish, binding Geralt and Yennefer's fates until their deaths. Over the years, the two endured an incredibly rocky relationship. They loved one another, but there were always questions about the source and strength of that love.
Who is the best romance for Geralt
1. Yennefer Is Perhaps the Most Fitting Option for Geralt. Being an incredibly important character in all three games as well as the books, Yennefer is a character who many consider to be Geralt's true love.
Who is the best girl in Witcher 3 : The Witcher 3: 5 Reasons Why Yennefer Is Best Girl (& 5 That It's Actually Triss)
Yennefer of Vengerberg is a powerful sorceress, the true love and soul mate of Geralt of Rivia, and a mother figure to Princess Ciri. Yennefer
Yennefer Is Perhaps the Most Fitting Option for Geralt
It's worth saying that unlike Triss, who will stick around if the player chooses to romance both Triss and Yennefer, Yen won't take too kindly to this, and Geralt won't get a second chance.
Does Yennefer get pregnant
Yennefer may not have succeeded in restoring her fertility, but it doesn't mean she can't still be a mother and have a family of her own. With Geralt and Ciri, she forms her own family.Yennefer Triss Merigold Fringilla Vigo (function(){ (this||self).Bqpk9e=function(f,d,n,e,k,p){var g=document.getElementById(f);if(g&&(0!==g.offsetWidth||0!==g.offsetHeight)){var l=g.querySelector(“div”),h=l.querySelector(“div”),a=0;f=Math.max(l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth,0);if(0 Geralt of Rivia/Significant others
Yennefer of Vengerberg, born as Janka on Belleteyn in 1173, was a sorceress who lived in Vengerberg, the capital city of Aedirn. She was Geralt of Rivia's true love and a mother figure to Ciri, whom she viewed like a daughter to the point that she did everything she could to rescue the girl and keep her from harm.During the Battle of Sodden Hill in 1263, which takes place in the first season finale, Yennefer is 90 years old. In the Netflix show, Yennefer is a fair bit younger, having been born in 1192. As such, there's a 19-year gap between Yennefer's age in the show and the novels. Some years into his life as a witcher he also meets Yennefer, the love of his life, with whom he pursues a tumultuous relationship throughout the books. Geralt is sometimes described as being cold and threatening.
Who is the most popular romance in The Witcher 3 : Overall, the fanbase's love for Yennefer and the intricacies of her story with Geralt make her the best romance option available.
Who is the baddie in The Witcher : Vilgefortz of
But, as they find out, the real villain is actually Vilgefortz of Roggeveen (Mahesh Jadu).
Does Yennefer lose her hump
In the process of losing her hunchback and the crooked jaw, Yennefer gained a lot of dark eyeshadow! The transformation was clear in her structure, her makeup choices, and even her hair. The enchanter explained to her that there's a price to pay: to be reborn, she would bear no more, and so he removed her reproductive organs. Later on in the series, Yennefer tried different methods to regain her fertility, such as attempting to obtain a dragon's egg, but to no success.Triss Merigold might look about the same age as her fellow sorceress and a friend Yennefer but she's, in fact, much younger. In the books, Triss has known Geralt since she was a little girl. She was only born around 1235, making her surprisingly young and closer in age to Ciri than she's to Geralt or Yennefer.
Does Yennefer age slowly : She is only 13 years old when she graduates as a sorceress from Aretuza after three years of studies. However, as mages can halt their aging, Yennefer is actually 75 when she meets Geralt of Rivia for the very first time in 1248, which may surprise fans of the Netflix show.
Antwort Is Triss or Yennefer canon? Weitere Antworten – Is it better to be with Triss or Yennefer
Trying to romance both Yennefer and Triss simultaneously is not advisable and will end badly for Geralt. Choosing to romance Triss in The Witcher 3 offers a sweeter and smoother relationship compared to Yennefer, but Triss has less screen time, fewer romance scenes, and a shorter quest line.Yennefer of Vengerberg
Yennefer of Vengerberg is decisively Geralt's true love, both in The Witcher 3, and in the series as a whole.So, he wrote another short story that's supposed to be set in a different timeline where Geralt & Yennefer settled down peacefully and got married in the end. Essentially, they were given the typical "happily-ever-after" ending.

Does Yennefer really love Geralt : The djinn granted his last wish, binding Geralt and Yennefer's fates until their deaths. Over the years, the two endured an incredibly rocky relationship. They loved one another, but there were always questions about the source and strength of that love.
Who is the best romance for Geralt
1. Yennefer Is Perhaps the Most Fitting Option for Geralt. Being an incredibly important character in all three games as well as the books, Yennefer is a character who many consider to be Geralt's true love.
Who is the best girl in Witcher 3 : The Witcher 3: 5 Reasons Why Yennefer Is Best Girl (& 5 That It's Actually Triss)
Yennefer Triss Merigold Fringilla Vigo (function(){
(this||self).Bqpk9e=function(f,d,n,e,k,p){var g=document.getElementById(f);if(g&&(0!==g.offsetWidth||0!==g.offsetHeight)){var l=g.querySelector(“div”),h=l.querySelector(“div”),a=0;f=Math.max(l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth,0);if(0
Geralt of Rivia/Significant others
Yennefer of Vengerberg is a powerful sorceress, the true love and soul mate of Geralt of Rivia, and a mother figure to Princess Ciri.

Yennefer Is Perhaps the Most Fitting Option for Geralt
It's worth saying that unlike Triss, who will stick around if the player chooses to romance both Triss and Yennefer, Yen won't take too kindly to this, and Geralt won't get a second chance.
Does Yennefer get pregnant
Yennefer may not have succeeded in restoring her fertility, but it doesn't mean she can't still be a mother and have a family of her own. With Geralt and Ciri, she forms her own family.Yennefer Triss Merigold Fringilla Vigo (function(){
(this||self).Bqpk9e=function(f,d,n,e,k,p){var g=document.getElementById(f);if(g&&(0!==g.offsetWidth||0!==g.offsetHeight)){var l=g.querySelector(“div”),h=l.querySelector(“div”),a=0;f=Math.max(l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth,0);if(0
Geralt of Rivia/Significant others
Yennefer of Vengerberg, born as Janka on Belleteyn in 1173, was a sorceress who lived in Vengerberg, the capital city of Aedirn. She was Geralt of Rivia's true love and a mother figure to Ciri, whom she viewed like a daughter to the point that she did everything she could to rescue the girl and keep her from harm.During the Battle of Sodden Hill in 1263, which takes place in the first season finale, Yennefer is 90 years old. In the Netflix show, Yennefer is a fair bit younger, having been born in 1192. As such, there's a 19-year gap between Yennefer's age in the show and the novels.

Some years into his life as a witcher he also meets Yennefer, the love of his life, with whom he pursues a tumultuous relationship throughout the books. Geralt is sometimes described as being cold and threatening.
Who is the most popular romance in The Witcher 3 : Overall, the fanbase's love for Yennefer and the intricacies of her story with Geralt make her the best romance option available.
Who is the baddie in The Witcher : Vilgefortz of
But, as they find out, the real villain is actually Vilgefortz of Roggeveen (Mahesh Jadu).
Does Yennefer lose her hump
In the process of losing her hunchback and the crooked jaw, Yennefer gained a lot of dark eyeshadow! The transformation was clear in her structure, her makeup choices, and even her hair.

The enchanter explained to her that there's a price to pay: to be reborn, she would bear no more, and so he removed her reproductive organs. Later on in the series, Yennefer tried different methods to regain her fertility, such as attempting to obtain a dragon's egg, but to no success.Triss Merigold might look about the same age as her fellow sorceress and a friend Yennefer but she's, in fact, much younger. In the books, Triss has known Geralt since she was a little girl. She was only born around 1235, making her surprisingly young and closer in age to Ciri than she's to Geralt or Yennefer.
Does Yennefer age slowly : She is only 13 years old when she graduates as a sorceress from Aretuza after three years of studies. However, as mages can halt their aging, Yennefer is actually 75 when she meets Geralt of Rivia for the very first time in 1248, which may surprise fans of the Netflix show.