Later models had anti-mine paint known as Zimmerit and in 1944 a Tiger II was developed with even more powerful armour and firepower, but was even heavier. It was a tank much feared by Allied troops; whether they were tank crews or infantry.The impenetrable armour, powerful gun and huge size of the Tiger made it a legend in its time. It struck terror into the hearts of Allied tank crews when it first appeared in 1942. The armour was 100mm thick at the front, making it impervious to Allied guns.Of the ~500 Tiger IIs that were produced some 150 or so survived the war. Twenty or so were distributed amongst the allies for evaluation, and some were given to France and Switzerland for use in their armies. Nine Tiger II survive today, about 7 or 8 Tiger Is are still in existence.
What was the best tank in WWII : In 1944, the best tank in the world—at least on paper—was the Panzerkampfwagen V. The Panzer V, also known as the Panther, was a direct response to the T-34 tank. The 44-ton tank was exceptionally well armored, in part due to sloped armor copied from the T-34.
Was a Tiger 2 ever destroyed
In fall of 1944. One of pentro's primary factory factories almost totally destroyed halting the production of over 600 tiger twos the bombing campaign even affected tanks that made it off the line
Was the Tiger 1 a bad tank : 1,347 were built between August 1942 and August 1944. After August 1944, production of the Tiger I was phased out in favour of the Tiger II. While the Tiger I has been called an outstanding design for its time, it has also been called overengineered, using expensive materials and labour-intensive production methods.
The Tiger II proved itself extremely well, both in its armor and from a mechanical perspective. Vehicles which received up to twenty hits without becoming disabled were not uncommon … In one encounter, on 21 April 1943, during the start of the Battle of Longstop Hill, a Churchill tank of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment got the better of a German Tiger I heavy tank. A 6 pounder shot from the Churchill lodged between the Tiger's turret and turret ring, jamming the turret and injuring the German crew.
Why was the Tiger Tank so feared
The Tiger was one of the most feared weapons of World War Two. In addition to it's near-impervious armour, it could also destroy an enemy tank from over a mile away, and on the right terrrain, was highly effective, causing the Allies to devote considerable time to tracking their movements.What was the most effective tank in World War 2 [1] Racking up the most kills as a group: StuG III. It had a low silhouette, a good gun, a reliable Panzer III chassis, and a decent frontal armor (effective in 1942–43, but 80mm was becoming weak in 1944 and 1945).The Tiger II proved itself extremely well, both in its armor and from a mechanical perspective. Vehicles which received up to twenty hits without becoming disabled were not uncommon … However, despite lacking in numbers, and being prone to mechanical and mobility issues based on its size and weight, the Tiger IIs combination of devastating firepower and thick sloped armour plate, made it a formidable adversary for Allied forces on the rare occasions it was encountered on the battlefield.
What was the problem with the Tiger 2 : Early Tiger IIs proved unreliable, owing principally to leaking seals and gaskets, an overburdened drive train originally intended for a lighter vehicle, and teething problems with the final drive and steering unit, both of which had been newly designed for the Tiger II.
Can a Tiger 2 destroy a modern tank : How would the German WW2 Tiger tank fare against a modern tank, like the Abrams It would not even be a real fight. A Tiger tank would not survive even against a Korean War Tank like a M48 or T-55. It would be out gunned, out ranged, and out maneuvered.
Can a Sherman tank beat a Tiger
Even with the rapid upgrade of the 75 mm gun to the high-velocity 76 mm gun, the original Sherman was only capable of defeating the Tiger at close range or from the flank. In the first couple of years of action, mechanical failures proved deadlier to Tigers than combat action. The Tiger was one of the most feared weapons of World War Two. In addition to it's near-impervious armour, it could also destroy an enemy tank from over a mile away, and on the right terrrain, was highly effective, causing the Allies to devote considerable time to tracking their movements.The Tiger tank was first seen in 1942 in Africa and the Soviet Union, and it was one of the most fearsome tanks ever built. Its thick armor and powerful 88 mm gun meant it could take on pretty much anything that Britain, America and the Soviet Union had.
What was the most fearful tank : Tiger I And II: Germany's Most Feared Tanks of World War II – The Tank Museum.
Antwort Was the Tiger 2 feared? Weitere Antworten – Why was the Tiger 2 so feared
Later models had anti-mine paint known as Zimmerit and in 1944 a Tiger II was developed with even more powerful armour and firepower, but was even heavier. It was a tank much feared by Allied troops; whether they were tank crews or infantry.The impenetrable armour, powerful gun and huge size of the Tiger made it a legend in its time. It struck terror into the hearts of Allied tank crews when it first appeared in 1942. The armour was 100mm thick at the front, making it impervious to Allied guns.Of the ~500 Tiger IIs that were produced some 150 or so survived the war. Twenty or so were distributed amongst the allies for evaluation, and some were given to France and Switzerland for use in their armies. Nine Tiger II survive today, about 7 or 8 Tiger Is are still in existence.
What was the best tank in WWII : In 1944, the best tank in the world—at least on paper—was the Panzerkampfwagen V. The Panzer V, also known as the Panther, was a direct response to the T-34 tank. The 44-ton tank was exceptionally well armored, in part due to sloped armor copied from the T-34.
Was a Tiger 2 ever destroyed
In fall of 1944. One of pentro's primary factory factories almost totally destroyed halting the production of over 600 tiger twos the bombing campaign even affected tanks that made it off the line
Was the Tiger 1 a bad tank : 1,347 were built between August 1942 and August 1944. After August 1944, production of the Tiger I was phased out in favour of the Tiger II. While the Tiger I has been called an outstanding design for its time, it has also been called overengineered, using expensive materials and labour-intensive production methods.
The Tiger II proved itself extremely well, both in its armor and from a mechanical perspective. Vehicles which received up to twenty hits without becoming disabled were not uncommon …

In one encounter, on 21 April 1943, during the start of the Battle of Longstop Hill, a Churchill tank of the 48th Royal Tank Regiment got the better of a German Tiger I heavy tank. A 6 pounder shot from the Churchill lodged between the Tiger's turret and turret ring, jamming the turret and injuring the German crew.
Why was the Tiger Tank so feared
The Tiger was one of the most feared weapons of World War Two. In addition to it's near-impervious armour, it could also destroy an enemy tank from over a mile away, and on the right terrrain, was highly effective, causing the Allies to devote considerable time to tracking their movements.What was the most effective tank in World War 2 [1] Racking up the most kills as a group: StuG III. It had a low silhouette, a good gun, a reliable Panzer III chassis, and a decent frontal armor (effective in 1942–43, but 80mm was becoming weak in 1944 and 1945).The Tiger II proved itself extremely well, both in its armor and from a mechanical perspective. Vehicles which received up to twenty hits without becoming disabled were not uncommon …

However, despite lacking in numbers, and being prone to mechanical and mobility issues based on its size and weight, the Tiger IIs combination of devastating firepower and thick sloped armour plate, made it a formidable adversary for Allied forces on the rare occasions it was encountered on the battlefield.
What was the problem with the Tiger 2 : Early Tiger IIs proved unreliable, owing principally to leaking seals and gaskets, an overburdened drive train originally intended for a lighter vehicle, and teething problems with the final drive and steering unit, both of which had been newly designed for the Tiger II.
Can a Tiger 2 destroy a modern tank : How would the German WW2 Tiger tank fare against a modern tank, like the Abrams It would not even be a real fight. A Tiger tank would not survive even against a Korean War Tank like a M48 or T-55. It would be out gunned, out ranged, and out maneuvered.
Can a Sherman tank beat a Tiger
Even with the rapid upgrade of the 75 mm gun to the high-velocity 76 mm gun, the original Sherman was only capable of defeating the Tiger at close range or from the flank. In the first couple of years of action, mechanical failures proved deadlier to Tigers than combat action.

The Tiger was one of the most feared weapons of World War Two. In addition to it's near-impervious armour, it could also destroy an enemy tank from over a mile away, and on the right terrrain, was highly effective, causing the Allies to devote considerable time to tracking their movements.The Tiger tank was first seen in 1942 in Africa and the Soviet Union, and it was one of the most fearsome tanks ever built. Its thick armor and powerful 88 mm gun meant it could take on pretty much anything that Britain, America and the Soviet Union had.
What was the most fearful tank : Tiger I And II: Germany's Most Feared Tanks of World War II – The Tank Museum.