Turns out the brains behind the song, "Hips Don't Lie" are literally off-the-charts. After scoring 140 on an IQ test, Shakira has been formally invited to join Mensa International, the international high IQ society.140
The average IQ is 100, and Shakira has 140, enough for her to get an invitation to Mensa, the world's oldest high IQ society. Any IQ score that goes over 140 is considered as entering a genius territory.But less known He's a card-carrying Mensa member with an IQ of 160. The star of MTV's "Awkward," Ashley Rickards says she joined Mensa after a competitive ex-boyfriend made her feel intellectually inferior. Brains don't lie: Colombian singer Shakira reportedly has an IQ of 140, which qualifies her for Mensa.
Is 197 a good IQ : The average score on an IQ test is 100. Most people fall within the 85 to 114 range. Any score over 140 is considered a high IQ. A score over 160 is considered a genius IQ.
Is 127 a good IQ
85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted.
What is J. Lo’s IQ : It was stated that JLO had an IQ of 140, which I find to be credible, given her precise language skills, superior memory, ability to assimilate ideas creatively, as well as retain large amounts of new information quickly. Kim Kardashian was listed as having an IQ of 190.
What is the IQ of Taylor Swift Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer songwriter. According to some acclaimed websites, she is said to have an IQ of 160. As a matter of fact, she is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest singer ever to sign at age 11. Lady Gaga's IQ Is Rumored To Be 166, And There Might Be Hard Proof That Confirms It.
Who has 400 IQ
Adragon De Mello
It's hard to believe such people exist. Nata-bird wrote: Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)His record was broken in 1994 by another student, but today, De Mello is known to have one of the highest IQ scores in all of human history – an IQ score of 400!Meaning of IQ
85 to 115 – Two thirds of us have an IQ in this range: the 'average' IQ is 100. Over 135 – You are in the top 1%.By the current "deviation IQ" definition of IQ test standard scores, about two-thirds of all test-takers obtain scores from 85 to 115, and about 5 percent of the population scores above 125 (i.e. normal distribution). Emma Watson, IQ 132
Emma Watson, the beautiful Hermione from the Harry Potter movies, is among the 'super gifted' with a score of 132.
What is Snoop Dogg’s IQ : Medivans doubt the authenticity of the IQ score the Snoop Dogg's accomplishments in music business. And charity work support the idea that he is a genius.
Is 120 IQ good : An IQ level of 120 would be described as 'above average or bright' on an IQ scale. The average score is 100, and 68% of all people have scores between 85 and 115. What is a good IQ score Any IQ score above 116 would be considered above average.
Is a 125 IQ good
85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. The intelligence quotient or IQ is a standardized method to know the mental ability of a person, usually against a peer group. IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a normal range or average intelligence. Individual adults usually score somewhere in between the 70-130 range, with 100 being the theoretical average.Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale Fifth Edition
IQ Range ("deviation IQ")
IQ Classification
Low average
Borderline impaired or delayed
Mildly impaired or delayed
Moderately impaired or delayed
Is 134 IQ good : The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.
Antwort What is Shakiras IQ? Weitere Antworten – What was Shakira’s IQ test
Turns out the brains behind the song, "Hips Don't Lie" are literally off-the-charts. After scoring 140 on an IQ test, Shakira has been formally invited to join Mensa International, the international high IQ society.140
The average IQ is 100, and Shakira has 140, enough for her to get an invitation to Mensa, the world's oldest high IQ society. Any IQ score that goes over 140 is considered as entering a genius territory.But less known He's a card-carrying Mensa member with an IQ of 160. The star of MTV's "Awkward," Ashley Rickards says she joined Mensa after a competitive ex-boyfriend made her feel intellectually inferior. Brains don't lie: Colombian singer Shakira reportedly has an IQ of 140, which qualifies her for Mensa.

Is 197 a good IQ : The average score on an IQ test is 100. Most people fall within the 85 to 114 range. Any score over 140 is considered a high IQ. A score over 160 is considered a genius IQ.
Is 127 a good IQ
85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted.
What is J. Lo’s IQ : It was stated that JLO had an IQ of 140, which I find to be credible, given her precise language skills, superior memory, ability to assimilate ideas creatively, as well as retain large amounts of new information quickly. Kim Kardashian was listed as having an IQ of 190.
What is the IQ of Taylor Swift Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer songwriter. According to some acclaimed websites, she is said to have an IQ of 160. As a matter of fact, she is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest singer ever to sign at age 11.

Lady Gaga's IQ Is Rumored To Be 166, And There Might Be Hard Proof That Confirms It.
Who has 400 IQ
Adragon De Mello
It's hard to believe such people exist. Nata-bird wrote: Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)His record was broken in 1994 by another student, but today, De Mello is known to have one of the highest IQ scores in all of human history – an IQ score of 400!Meaning of IQ
85 to 115 – Two thirds of us have an IQ in this range: the 'average' IQ is 100. Over 135 – You are in the top 1%.By the current "deviation IQ" definition of IQ test standard scores, about two-thirds of all test-takers obtain scores from 85 to 115, and about 5 percent of the population scores above 125 (i.e. normal distribution).

Emma Watson, IQ 132
Emma Watson, the beautiful Hermione from the Harry Potter movies, is among the 'super gifted' with a score of 132.
What is Snoop Dogg’s IQ : Medivans doubt the authenticity of the IQ score the Snoop Dogg's accomplishments in music business. And charity work support the idea that he is a genius.
Is 120 IQ good : An IQ level of 120 would be described as 'above average or bright' on an IQ scale. The average score is 100, and 68% of all people have scores between 85 and 115. What is a good IQ score Any IQ score above 116 would be considered above average.
Is a 125 IQ good
85 to 114: Average intelligence. 115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted.

The intelligence quotient or IQ is a standardized method to know the mental ability of a person, usually against a peer group. IQ scores between 90 and 109 indicate a normal range or average intelligence. Individual adults usually score somewhere in between the 70-130 range, with 100 being the theoretical average.Stanford–Binet Intelligence Scale Fifth Edition
Is 134 IQ good : The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.