In Dragon Age II, Hawke can pursue a romance with five companions: Isabela, a rogue pirate captain; Merrill, a young Dalish elf; Anders, an apostate mage who was formerly a Grey Warden; Fenris, an elf and former Tevinter slave; and Sebastian, a DLC companion.Marriage with NPCs are always an endgame event, and NPCs that can marry the player throughout the game series include Alistair, Anora, Sera, and Cullen. However, there are others who hint about being open to marriage or even getting married off-screen, like Sebastian, Cassandra, and Dorian.A dual-wielding rogue utilizing the Shadow and Assassin specialties can cause some serious damage to single enemies, but it's difficult to compare against the crowd-control aspects of a Dragon Age mage using Force and Elemental. Much the like original game, the Mage is Dragon Age 2's best class.
Can you marry Sera in Dragon Age : If the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Sera: Sera will ask the Inquisitor to marry her. The Inquisitor can either say that it's enough that Sera is with her, or call her a loony and say, "All the yesses.
Who is the best companion in Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age II: The Companions Officially Ranked
8 Sebastian Vael.
7 Bethany Hawke.
6 Merrill.
5 Carver Hawke.
4 "Captain" Isabela.
3 Aveline Vallen.
2 Fenris.
1 Varric Tethras. There's little doubt that Hawke's lovable dwarf with a heart of gold is also their greatest companion.
Is Leliana in Dragon Age 2 : Leliana appears in a cameo appearance at the ending of Dragon Age II, where she confers with her colleague Cassandra Pentaghast following the conclusion of the latter's interrogation of Varric Tethras. In The Exiled Prince DLC pack, she is encountered by Hawke's party at the Viscount's Keep in Kirkwall.
Depending on your timing, you can romance more than one character. But if you don't do it right then someone will comfront you and force you to make a chioce. You can make evil choices and justify them as being good, or you can choose to see the choices as evil and enjoy being evil.
Can you romance Sera as a male
Dorian and Cass are male only, Sera and Blackwall are fem only, any race. Bull and Josie are any gender any race. Solas is gender and race locked to female elf and Cullen won't smash unless you're a female human or elf.' And she'd throw in a line or something like that," commented Laidlaw. Additionally, the developer answered a question that bothered many DA fans for a long time, explaining why it is impossible to romance Varric in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition: "Mary, she's like, 'Not romanceable!A warrior who's bitter toward mages, Dragon Age II's Fenris isn't easy to romance, but Hawke can win his heart with a little finesse. To make romances more accessible in Dragon Age II, all romanceable companions were available for either male or female Hawke. Some lines change and such, but for the most part nothing is different. Outside of Sebastian, you can romance anyone with either sex, so there really is no difference now.
Who can I romance in DD2 : Who's the Best Romance Partner in Dragon's Dogma 2 As for the true Dragon's Dogma 2 romance options, the ones that do lead to a declaration of love and a special cutscene, there are only two: Ulrika and Wilhelmina.
How old is Hawke in Dragon Age 2 : 25
Hence, Hawke is 25 at the start of DA2, and 35 during the Battle of Kirkwall in Act 3.
Why can’t I romance Sera
Sera doesn't like to share, so if you're even a little bit in a relationship with someone else, she might decide you're taken and that's that. Also, choosing the choices to gain the most approval possible means you're not always choosing the romance choices, which means the game thinks you're not interested. During the Exalted Council, Cullen will ask the Inquisitor to marry him. The Inquisitor can agree, or tell Cullen the couple doesn't need marriage. If the Inquisitor is an elf: They will have the option to ask Cullen to state their vows in elvish for the ceremony, to which Cullen agrees.' And she'd throw in a line or something like that," commented Laidlaw. Additionally, the developer answered a question that bothered many DA fans for a long time, explaining why it is impossible to romance Varric in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition: "Mary, she's like, 'Not romanceable!
Can you romance Isabela : Isabela is the captain of the pirate ship Siren's Call. She can teach the Duelist specialization to the Warden in Dragon Age: Origins, and is an optional companion as well as a romance option for either male or female Hawke in Dragon Age II.
Antwort Who can you marry in Dragon Age 2? Weitere Antworten – Who is romanceable in Dragon Age 2
In Dragon Age II, Hawke can pursue a romance with five companions: Isabela, a rogue pirate captain; Merrill, a young Dalish elf; Anders, an apostate mage who was formerly a Grey Warden; Fenris, an elf and former Tevinter slave; and Sebastian, a DLC companion.Marriage with NPCs are always an endgame event, and NPCs that can marry the player throughout the game series include Alistair, Anora, Sera, and Cullen. However, there are others who hint about being open to marriage or even getting married off-screen, like Sebastian, Cassandra, and Dorian.A dual-wielding rogue utilizing the Shadow and Assassin specialties can cause some serious damage to single enemies, but it's difficult to compare against the crowd-control aspects of a Dragon Age mage using Force and Elemental. Much the like original game, the Mage is Dragon Age 2's best class.
Can you marry Sera in Dragon Age : If the Inquisitor is in a relationship with Sera: Sera will ask the Inquisitor to marry her. The Inquisitor can either say that it's enough that Sera is with her, or call her a loony and say, "All the yesses.
Who is the best companion in Dragon Age 2
Dragon Age II: The Companions Officially Ranked
Is Leliana in Dragon Age 2 : Leliana appears in a cameo appearance at the ending of Dragon Age II, where she confers with her colleague Cassandra Pentaghast following the conclusion of the latter's interrogation of Varric Tethras. In The Exiled Prince DLC pack, she is encountered by Hawke's party at the Viscount's Keep in Kirkwall.
Depending on your timing, you can romance more than one character. But if you don't do it right then someone will comfront you and force you to make a chioce.

You can make evil choices and justify them as being good, or you can choose to see the choices as evil and enjoy being evil.
Can you romance Sera as a male
Dorian and Cass are male only, Sera and Blackwall are fem only, any race. Bull and Josie are any gender any race. Solas is gender and race locked to female elf and Cullen won't smash unless you're a female human or elf.' And she'd throw in a line or something like that," commented Laidlaw. Additionally, the developer answered a question that bothered many DA fans for a long time, explaining why it is impossible to romance Varric in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition: "Mary, she's like, 'Not romanceable!A warrior who's bitter toward mages, Dragon Age II's Fenris isn't easy to romance, but Hawke can win his heart with a little finesse. To make romances more accessible in Dragon Age II, all romanceable companions were available for either male or female Hawke.

Some lines change and such, but for the most part nothing is different. Outside of Sebastian, you can romance anyone with either sex, so there really is no difference now.
Who can I romance in DD2 : Who's the Best Romance Partner in Dragon's Dogma 2 As for the true Dragon's Dogma 2 romance options, the ones that do lead to a declaration of love and a special cutscene, there are only two: Ulrika and Wilhelmina.
How old is Hawke in Dragon Age 2 : 25
Hence, Hawke is 25 at the start of DA2, and 35 during the Battle of Kirkwall in Act 3.
Why can’t I romance Sera
Sera doesn't like to share, so if you're even a little bit in a relationship with someone else, she might decide you're taken and that's that. Also, choosing the choices to gain the most approval possible means you're not always choosing the romance choices, which means the game thinks you're not interested.

During the Exalted Council, Cullen will ask the Inquisitor to marry him. The Inquisitor can agree, or tell Cullen the couple doesn't need marriage. If the Inquisitor is an elf: They will have the option to ask Cullen to state their vows in elvish for the ceremony, to which Cullen agrees.' And she'd throw in a line or something like that," commented Laidlaw. Additionally, the developer answered a question that bothered many DA fans for a long time, explaining why it is impossible to romance Varric in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition: "Mary, she's like, 'Not romanceable!
Can you romance Isabela : Isabela is the captain of the pirate ship Siren's Call. She can teach the Duelist specialization to the Warden in Dragon Age: Origins, and is an optional companion as well as a romance option for either male or female Hawke in Dragon Age II.